2009 ended with travel, family, friends, gifts, food and lots of work due yesterday. The new year started so quick I had to take a couple weeks to let it soak in and to engage in my own story. A story not of a resolution but of a process.

Contrary to letting things of importance in my life simmer I have been working with shorter and shorter deadlines. Less simmer, more doing. The usual time that I get to let design ideas marinate has been almost non-existent as of late. If I get a job today it seems like it will be due in two days.

For example, I received this book a few days ago.

It was sitting on my desk. I contacted the client and asked for information regarding the book. No response. I waited. I waited some more. A redesign. That was it.

Now due the next day, I designed several concepts, sending on my favorite. It didn't work so I sent them another, my second favorite.

Click on image to view larger.

It was approved. Either they really liked it or they just needed it done.

As designers, sometimes we get jobs with quick deadlines and sometimes with little or no direction. The book design turned out favorably but could it have been better with more time? Do we need to slow down or is faster better? It makes me wonder what could come of designs and more importantly of people if we were allowed to soak in and let ideas come to life more often. Like our own busy lives, design typically works better as a slow process that takes time, love, communication, trust, knowledge and creativity.

Should the way we work, live and interact change?

This year, try slowing down. Let things simmer or delete something and see what can be created.

Happy New Year!
Arthur CherryDESIGNComment